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Tim Rees
Jan 10, 202318 min read
The Game Changers Reference List
In order of presentation and alphabetical. A few things If you’re looking for my systematic Game Changers review blogs, start here....

Tim Rees
Jan 10, 20236 min read
Coffee Depletes Vitamins & Minerals, But is This a Cause For Concern?
5 things you can do to keep enjoying it. WE SHOULDN'T ENJOY COFFEE, BUT WE DO. Nature’s warning, bitterness, should make us reel away...

Tim Rees
Nov 28, 20226 min read
Preaching EAT-Lancet Billionaire Vegan Wants You to Stop Eating Meat
The so-called Planetary Health Diet is a nutritional time-bomb and an ecological disaster being pushed by vested interests. THERE'S...

Tim Rees
Nov 9, 202248 min read
The Game Changers Movie—A Systematic Takedown.
I read all of the references used in The Game Changers movie to see if they were making valid points; they were not.

Tim Rees
Nov 5, 202221 min read
Why is the World Health Organisation Anti-Meat?
A critical look at the evidence used by the WHO IARC to condemn red meat.
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