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I can come into your office or present online. I have an updated presentation called Food For Thought, a talk about the importance of diet for robust mental health. I can also write presentations specifically for your company. Please have a look at the testimonials below and get in touch to discuss what I can offer your company. 


Martin McGann — Finance Director: London Metric

I was initially sceptical about Tim’s talk and wasn’t sure if it would be a good fit for our office. Tim and I met to discuss it [Skype] and I decided it would be interesting and useful for my team. I’m so pleased I did because Tim certainly got their attention, the office was buzzing after his talk. Tim has an open presenting style that invites questions and discussion, his knowledge runs deep and he answered everyone’s questions providing realistic applications of his recommendations. 


The initial part of the talk focuses on science but it’s explained well and allows everyone to see just how important diet is in health, including mental health issues. Everyone was engaged throughout, and the Q&A session at the end went on and on. Tim’s passion for the subject is infectious and all of us felt we could apply some of what he taught us the same day; it was certainly food for thought. We look forward to seeing him again.


Drop me a line with any questions you have, and I'll get back to you asap. Feel free to use the form or email me directly.

Thanks for submitting!

Tim Rees Diet & Lifestyle Coaching

Registered nutritionist helping people change their diet and lifestyle to manage Meniere's disease, autoimmunity, allergies and more. 

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